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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hello Eddie,Here is max, in his first competition and with only two weeks of training he won best puppy in the Terrier & Schnauzer division and received 3rd place in Best Puppy in Show.Here he is with his trainer. He received excellent ratings from a specialized international judge.Max is more than a pet in the house. he sleeps in our...

Dear Eddie I just wanted to let you know that Diego Ford arrived safe and sound and in good health and spirits. We absolutely love him and he has settled in very quickly and already feels like part of the family. He has a fun personality, but is also quite stubborn. I think he knows already that mummy is going...

Hello!!!! Cana is the happiest dog in Mexico City :) She has a lovely family (mom, dad, sister Moka- a Labrador-) and 3 days ago, her human sister was born! She loves to run (like a rabbit), she is very funny and we love her so much! Happy birthday to our furry baby!

Hi Steve, Here are some pictures of Hooch(Dragon) He is an amazing dog, very loving and playful. We are so happy with him. Thank you very much. All the best Profound regards Yousef

Ramiro Ortiz Gurdian

Managua, Nicaragua

Steven Ford

Doha, Qatar

Carmen Trueba

Mexico City, Mexico

Yousef Omer Fittiani

Amman, Jordan